Resource Type
Mapping Little Rock History
CAHC Exhibit
Learn about the effects of urban renewal by exploring thousands of geolocated photographs, reports, and maps of Little Rock. Layer historic maps over a modern one to visualize how the city changed over time. Visit the Project Site for lesson plans, historical narratives, and map tutorials. Published October 2024.
Arkansas Primary Source Sets
Lesson Plans
Grades K-12
Explore curated sets of digitized primary sources from CAHC. Topics include: African Americans, Arkansas History, Arts, Biography, Civics and Government, Economics, Geography, Latinos, Literature, Native Americans, Science and Technology, U.S. History, Women, and World History. Each primary source set contains a question for inquiry, and each of the primary source documents in the set helps to answer the question from a particular perspective. Text-dependent questions accompany each document. Published September 2018 / Updated October 2024.

World Services for the Blind: A Story of Success
CAHC Exhibit
Refugiados Cubanos: Last Step to Freedom
Student Exhibit
Arkansas Constitutional Convention, 1979-1980
CAHC Exhibit
History Alive: Virtually!
Lesson Plans
Grades K-12
Explore curated sets of digitized primary sources from CAHC. The sources are organized in ten thematic virtual mini-collections: Agriculture, Arkansas and the World, Arkansas before Statehood, Change over Time, Civil Rights, Civil War and Reconstruction, Government and Civil Society, Labor, Race in American Society, and Women of Arkansas. Each of collection contains exercises that can be used in the face-to-face, virtual, or hybrid classroom. Every exercise highlights a historical issue that is investigated through the analysis of one or more primary sources. Published March 2021.
Zero Hour: Arkansas in 1980
Student Exhibit
The Civilian Conservation Corps in Arkansas
CAHC Exhibit

University of Arkansas at Little Rock
The University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UA Little Rock) is a metropolitan research university located in the heart of Arkansas' capitol city.

Center for Arkansas History and Culture
Located in downtown Little Rock, the Center for Arkansas History and Culture (CAHC) is a teaching archive affiliated with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Its collections focus on Arkansas history.