Acclaimed Author (Brown-4)

Bishop Brown was an acclaimed author. He wrote Bigger Than Little Rock, a book chronicling the Little Rock Central High School’s desegregation crisis and discussing integration in 1958. It was a national success and garnered Bishop Brown positive feedback and attention, both nationally and internationally.

Bigger Than Little Rock by Robert R. Brown
Bigger Than Little Rock by Robert R. Brown

He followed that success with another book, And One Was a Soldier: The Spiritual Pilgrimage of Robert E. Lee, which was published in 1998 after Brown’s death. It detailed the the history of the Confederate general’s spiritual journey after he attended and prayed at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia. It is also the church Bishop Brown would later be assigned to before becoming bishop of the diocese of Arkansas.

And One Was a Soldier by Bishop Robert R. Brown
And One Was a Soldier by Bishop Robert R. Brown

Bishop Robert R. Brown. Courtesy of the Butler Center for Arkansas Studies.