Graham Hawks: Soldier, Father, and Lifelong Friend (Hawks-1)

Graham Hawks was a soldier in World War II when he met fellow soldier Winthrop Rockefeller. Surviving the war, the two men would maintain a lifelong friendship.

Graham Hawks was born in New York City in the early twentieth century. Not much is known about his early life. However, he would marry a nurse named Marge, his lifelong wife, before he shipped off for World War II. Graham and Marge had two children, Ria Grace and Graham Junior. Hawks’ life was one filled with activity and notable friendship with Arkansas Governor and philanthropist Winthrop Rockefeller. Hawks met Rockefeller where the two served as officers in World War II. Together they survived a Kamikaze attack that left Hawks with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Hawks worked as an obstetrician and gynecologist in New York City throughout his adult life after getting his medical degree. Evidence suggests he was also a successful inventor. He designed a grain-sifting machine that he developed at Winrock Farms in Arkansas, a cattle raising business and center for demonstrating state-of-the-art agricultural methods. At the same place Hawks engineered special ponds for Rockefeller’s cattle.

Graham Hawks.