Winthrop “Win” Paul Rockefeller, born September 17, 1948, in New York City, was Arkansas’s seventeenth lieutenant governor (1996-2006), among his many accomplishments. His papers are housed with UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture, The Winthrop Paul Rockefeller Papers, 1888-2006, UALR.MS.0255.
Winthrop Paul Rockefeller inherited enormous wealth from his family. The origins of Rockefeller’s wealth came from his great-grandfather John D. Rockefeller, Sr., (1839-1937), an American industrialist, philanthropist, and founder of the Standard Oil Company, the University of Chicago, and the Rockefeller Foundation. John Rockefeller’s wife, Laura Celestia “Cettie” Spelman Rockefeller (1839-1915), was an American abolitionist, philanthropist, and school teacher.
Rockefeller’s grandparents were John D. Rockefeller, Jr., (1874-1960), an American financier and philanthropist, and Abigail “Abby” Greene Aldrich Rockefeller, an American philanthropist and socialite.
Rockefeller was the only child of Winthrop Rockefeller (1912-1971), governor of Arkansas (1967-1971), and Jievute Paulekiute “Bobo” Sears Rockefeller, also known as Barbara (1916-2008), an American actress.

Portrait of Abigail “Abby” Greene Aldrich Rockefeller, circa 1920