An Industrious Administrator (LeRoy M. Christophe-2)

Community Involvement

Chirstophe, second from left, attends a meeting in a library. Sixtotal people are seated at table, while another man looks to Christophe and speaks.
Chirstophe, second from left, attends a meeting in a library.

LeRoy Christophe believed that substance was primary over form. He believed that dedication to hard work and delivering positive results was the substance on which success is built. Because he believed in delivering results through hard work, Dr. Christophe made the effort to improve his community however he could through volunteer work.

Christophe was a member of multiple community improvement groups. He was the Director for the United Negro College Fund from 1975 to 1985, a member of the Americans for Competitive Enterprise, along with the People’s Settlement, The Committee of 39, The New Castle County Parks & Recreation, Junior Achievement, and the Cooperative Area Manpower Planning System. Christophe was also an active volunteer at the YMCA for over 40 years.

Dunbar High School: A Story of Success

A page from the 1955 Dunbar Commencement Program, Dr. Chrsitophe wrote an open letter to the graduates. The attached photograph is of Christophe at his desk and speaking on the phone.
A page from the 1955 Dunbar Commencement Program on which Dr. Christophe wrote an open letter to the graduates.

While employed in Little Rock as principal of Dunbar High School and Junior College, Dr. Christophe worked closely with teachers and parents to upgrade the school’s curriculum and make improvements to the campus. Instead of leading by authority, Christophe led by his personal acronym PEP: Preparation, Experience, and Performance.

Upon his arrival, Christophe encouraged the faculty to adopt a five-year plan to improve the quality of education for the students. During the first five years of his work there, he and the faculty strove to improve guidance and counseling services, literacy skills, instruction, and discipline.

In order to improve the quality of education, Christophe expanded the faculty and staff of Dunbar High School, and brought in additional classes in mathematics and foreign languages. He also replaced bookkeeping with a more advanced general business course, and implemented carpentry, which had been removed from the curriculum four years prior.

Finally, Dr. Christophe made improvements to the school building and grounds by adding exterior lighting, drinking fountains, new classroom equipment, new audio-visual aids, and a new sports field. Christophe made sure to provide his teachers with the best tools, support, and guidance in order to offer the best education possible for students.