Another Turn for the Worse, then Triumph! (Goodwin 4)

In October 1952, Harvey suffered a third bout of debilitating tuberculosis. By 1957, Harvey felt sufficiently strong enough to return to the stage and turned his sights on France and Germany.  Upon his successful European performances, he moved back to New York where once again he worked in various clerical positions.  Fortunately, in 1964, “Lady Luck” surfaced in the guise of a six-month contract at the night club Finocchio’s in San Francisco.

(Harvey’s papers are referenced as Find out more by visiting the finding aid online.)

Harvey Goodwin with Unidentified Woman in Europe
Harvey Goodwin drinks a beverage while in Europe, possibly Germany, with an unidentified woman, ca 1958.
Harvey Goodwin poses as Harvey Lee with borzoi
Harvey Goodwin poses as Harvey Lee with his borzoi, “Nikk,.” 1956
Harvey Goodwin as Harvey Lee at the Moulin Rouge
Harvey Goodwin as Harvey Lee performs on stage at the Moulin Rouge, 1958
Harvey Goodwin poses as Harvey Lee at the "My-O-My" Club
At the “My-O-My” Club, Harvey Goodwin poses as Harvey Lee in a full-length dress in front of a band and microphone, ca. 1950s