Bond Impresses Booker T. Washington (Bond-3)

Interior Scott Bond's general store, black and white
Interior Scott Bond’s Store

Scott Bond was urged by Dr. Booker T. Washington, founder of the National Negro Business League (NNBL), to attend the Farmer’s Conference in Tuskegee, Alabama. Bond declined, until a letter urging Bond to attend arrived. One of Bond’s sons said he should accept, so Scott attended the meeting. He was so impressed with the people at the conference, he decided Booker T. Washington needed to come to Arkansas. Since Bond was a lifetime member of the NNBL, he attended the annual meeting in New York City in 1902, where he was convinced to give a speech.

At this meeting, he convinced Dr. Booker T. Washington to hold the annual meeting in Little Rock the following year. Bond urged Washington to visit Madison, Bond’s hometown. Washington hesitated due to his busy schedule, but Bond promised him transportation via train to Madison, then on to Memphis, where Washington’s next meeting was. Washington agreed, but only if Bond could secure him a private car. Much to Washington’s surprise, Bond was able to make the changes, along with the private car. Washington spoke to thousands in Madison, Arkansas.

Bond also assisted his friend, Taylor Swift, in purchasing a home. Swift, a hardworking tenant farmer, had saved to go to Africa, but returned to Arkansas penniless. Bond gave him a mule and helped him get back on his feet, which culminated in Swift purchasing a house.

Dr. Booker T. Washinton Addresses 5000 people in Madison, Arkansas, black and white
Booker T. Washington addressing 5,000 people in Madison, Arkansas.
Home of Tenant Farmer, Taylor Swift, Madison, AR, black and white.
Home of Taylor Swift, tenant farmer, Madison, Arkansas.