A collection of segregationist-printed cards. The cards include "One Down...Eight to Go," "Ike Go Home! Liberation Day May 29, 1958," and "Littler Nigger at Central High has got mighty free with his eve, winks at white girls, grabs their blond curls; Little nigger sure is anxious to die."

Filtering Public Response and Student Propaganda (Elizabeth Huckaby-3)

During the crisis, Huckaby’s role shifted away from education as she was given the task of screening mail from the public, filtering public response from segregationist parent groups, and confiscating the anti-integration propaganda distributed by students. As vice principal and…

Huckaby stands in a line of Central High faculty and a 101st Airborne officer at an event labeled as a faculty tea.

Maintaining Business as Usual During the Crisis (Elizabeth Huckaby-2)

Elizabeth Huckaby began the 1957 school year expecting to continue teaching students and to keeping order at Central High. As vice principal of girls, before the crisis she taught English and was responsible for the discipline of female students and…

Huckaby stands in front of the iconic entrance to Central High School with students sitting overhead.

Central High Crisis (Elizabeth Huckaby-1)

Elizabeth Paisley Huckaby (1905-1999) served as vice principal of girls at Little Rock Central High School during the Little Rock crisis of 1957. As a dedicated teacher, Huckaby spent the year of the crisis working in support of desegregation, protecting the Little Rock Nine, maintaining order at Central High, and promoting the education of students.