Filtering Public Response and Student Propaganda (Elizabeth Huckaby-3)

During the crisis, Huckaby’s role shifted away from education as she was given the task of screening mail from the public, filtering public response from segregationist parent groups, and confiscating the anti-integration propaganda distributed by students. As vice principal and a known supporter of integration, Elizabeth Huckaby was given the task of screening mail from the public. Nearly everyone had an opinion on the Little Rock Crisis. Huckaby recalled that:

“In the office heaps of letters had accumulated–more than we could ever afford to answer or buy stamps for. View points in the letters ranged from the most violent segregationist to the most ardent integrationist. They came from all over the United States, from most of the European countries, South America, Asia and Canada.” (Page 38 of sixth draft for That Year at Central High, chapters 3-5)

While the public response poured into the administrative office, student responses to integration were distributed around school. Students who supported segregation distributed hate-fueled propaganda cards that attacked the black students, that complained about the National Guard’s presence, and that attacked integration supporters in the administration—including Huckaby.

<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-2042" src="" alt="An open letter sent to Central High students from a Canadian critical of the events at Little Rock. A passage includes, "You should be thoroughly ashamed-calling yourselves Americans. Somewhere along the line, I seem to remember hearing such terms as 'everyone is equal' and 'freedom for all', closely linked with the United States." The letter is signed Rita Markam. ( ” width=”233″ height=”303″ srcset=” 852w,×300.jpg 230w,×1001.jpg 768w,×1024.jpg 786w” sizes=”(max-width: 233px) 100vw, 233px” />
Open letter to Central High students from a Canadian national, Elizabeth Huckaby Papers (UALR.MS.0118).
A segregationist-motivated handout with a group of smiling and laughing racially-integrated school children. The material is labeled "The Little Rock School Board's Plans for Your Child."
Racially-motivated printed material collected by Huckaby, Elizabeth Huckaby Papers (UALR.MS.0118).
A letter sent from self-identified "Two Disgusted Teenagers in Britain" to Huckaby. The letter reads, "Lord make the nations see that all men should be brothers. This you are not doing in your school." A photo of two black children, presumably the letter's authors, is included.
Integrationist material mailed to Huckaby, Elizabeth Huckaby Papers (UALR.MS.0118).