Graham Hawks’ Family Visits Petit Jean (Hawks-4)

Graham Hawks and his wife and son (Marge and G.G)

Shortly after Winthrop Rockefeller moved from New York to Petit Jean near Morrilton Arkansas, he started his Winrock Farms cow raising business. Graham Hawks would become a fairly frequent and welcomed visitor at his friend’s Arkansas home. Hawks and his family would visit as often as they reasonably could. Graham’s children, Ria and Graham Junior, would frequently write to Winthrop and his wife Jeannette, recalling the enjoyment of their experiences at Petit Jean. At Petit Jean, there were many activities that the Hawks family would have access to, from swimming to riding horses. The Rockefeller property was a perfect vacation spot for the Hawks family. They visited often either near Christmas or in the summer.

Hawks’ life was filled with excitement, hard work and determination. He had a lovely family and a great friend. He fought in World War II surviving the tragedy on the USS Henrico. He dealt with PTSD and worked as an obstetrician. He invested in helping Rockefeller with Winrock Farms and vacationed with his family there. Now, his legacy lives on in his children and family.