Office of Lieutenant Governor: Duties Mixed with Fun (WP Rockefeller-5)

Rockefeller accomplished much during his time as lieutenant governor of Arkansas from 1996 to the time of his death on 2006.

Winthrop Paul Rockefeller discussing September 11, 2001
Winthrop Paul Rockefeller discussing the World Trade Tower attacks, September 11, 2001

Winthrop Paul Rockefeller came from a family that promoted philanthropy and duty. He upheld his famous grandmother’s (Abigail “Abby” Rockefeller) favorite Bible verse , which is on a plaque on Winrock Farms: “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8.

Winthrop Paul Rockefeller with unidentified individual at formal event, undated
Winthrop Paul Rockefeller with unidentified individual at formal event, undated

Rockefeller faithfully performed his duties as lieutenant governor by introducing gun-safety procedures such as Project Homesafe (Rockefeller was a hunter and a member of the National Rifle Association (NRA)) and reassuring Arkansas’s people after the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center towers.  But he also shared his love of a good time with his fellow Arkansans and guests as evidenced by his joyful grin captured in photographs during festive events.

Winthrop Paul Rockefeller died July 16, 2006, from a rare blood disorder at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. He is buried at Winrock Farms, Petit Jean Mountain, Conway County, Arkansas.

Lieutenant Governor Winthrop Paul Rockefeller visits with Woodrow Turner about Gun Safety, circa 2002
Lieutenant Governor Winthrop Paul Rockefeller visits with Woodrow Turner about gun safety, circa 2002
Country singers Tim McGraw and Faith Hill, with Lieutenant Governor Winthrop Paul Rockefeller, circa late 1990s
Country music singers Tim McGraw and Faith Hill, with Lieutenant Governor Winthrop Paul Rockefeller, circa 1995-2000