The Famous Son (Porter-4)

Art and Thelma welcomed their third child on August 3, 1961, in Little Rock. Arthur Lee “Art” Porter, Jr., became a gifted and talented musician in his own right, excelling at the alto and tenor saxophones. He won numerous musical awards at a young age, including a special citation for outstanding musicianship from the National Association of Jazz Educators in 1980 and recognition as an arranger and composer from Elmhurst College’s Mid-west College JAZZ Festival in 1981.

Art Porter, Jr., Brady Elementary School class portrait, fourth grade, 1971
Art Porter, Jr., Brady Elementary School class portrait, fourth grade, 1971

In 1986, Art, Jr., received his bachelor’s degree in music education and performance from Northeastern University in Chicago, Illinois. He also studied jazz with pianist Ellis Marsalis, father of renowned Wynton and Branford.

Art, Jr., wails away, 1990
Art, Jr., wails away at the Cotton Club [Chicago?], 1990
Perhaps Art, Jr.’s, most prestigious honor occurred on April 6, 1994, when he played at Carnegie Hall with other noted musicians such as Roy Hargrove (trumpet), Pat Metheny (guitar),and Vanessa Williams (vocals) in celebration of Verve Records at 50: A Gala Benefit for Carnegie Hall and its Jazzed Education Program for High School Students.

Verve Records program, featuring Art Porter, Jr., 1994
Verve Records program, featuring Art Porter, Jr., 1994

Sadly, Art Porter, Jr., died on November 23, 1996, in a boating accident in Thailand. He had just completed a performance at the Thailand International Golden Jubilee Jazz Festival commemorating the 15th anniversary of King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s reign.