
Civil War

About the Exhibit

The UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture at the Bobby L. Roberts library, the Butler Center for Arkansas Studies, and many other institutions from around the state in commemorating the sesquicentennial of the Civil War. In the UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture, the Civil War Collection is the largest holding of historical documents. This digital exhibit will highlight some of unique and valuable documents, manuscripts, and photographs the archives have to offer. If you have questions about our collections or want to plan a visit, feel free to contact us.

About CAHC

The UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture offers a collection of resources, including papers, books, photographs, maps, and audio/visual materials, related to history, government, and life in Arkansas. Holdings related to government include five former governors and several legislators.


The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture collects, preserves, and enables access to Arkansas records of enduring value; prepares students and the region for the 21st century through academic leadership and education on archival practices and technologies; and engages the community through outreach, programming, and exhibitions.

Learn More

The collections are available at the Bobby L. Roberts Library of Arkansas History and Art building and online at ARStudies.

401 President Clinton Avenue Little Rock, Arkansas 72201

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