At a Glance – The J.R.H Scott Collection

At a Glance - The J.R.H. Scott Collection

The collection of Capt. John Rice Homer Scott in the UA Little Rock Center for History and Culture gives researchers insight into the day-to-day procedures of military life. Documents include personal correspondence, subsistence and supply receipts, court martial proceedings, muster rolls, and orders relating to his service in the Confederate army.

Scott was born in Missouri in October 1813 and moved to Pope County, Arkansas in 1828.  A lawyer, he was clerk of the circuit, county, and probate courts. During the Civil War, Capt. Scott commanded a squadron of four companies and fought at the battles of Elk Horn and Farmington and often oversaw court martial proceedings as the Presiding Squadron Commander.

After the war, he served as senior editor of the Russellville Democrat.

Sample File Titles:

File 1 - Civilian receipts for subsistence supplies, Jan - Nov 1861 - 34 items

File 3 - Correspondence, Sep 1861 - 4 items

File 7 - Court martial proceedings for 1861 & 1862 - 21 items

File 10 - Muster rolls, Supply requisitions & Receipts 1861 - 15 items

File 11 - Muster rolls, Supply requisitions & Receipts 1862 - 22 items

File 24 - Civil War Letters: Capt. Jno. R. Homer Scott's Squadron of Cavalry, in Pope County, Arkansas and Carroll County Arkansas, Sep 18 - Dec 14, 1861. Bound volume of photocopied letters donated by J.B. Lemley, Lester Finley, Elaine Weir Cia.