Note: Links are provided for finding aid available online.
Arkansas Ledger and Minute Book collection [UALR.MS.0203]
- Item 19 - Minute book of Camp McIntosh (Mulberry, Ark.) United Confederate Veterans, 1899-1912.
- Box 7, File 4 - Record and Minute Book of the Van Buren Frontier Guards. Information related to organization of the company, purchase of uniforms, court-martial, drills, etc., 1861.
- Box 12, File 7 - Richard Waterhouse Letters. Letters from a member of the 19th Texas Infantry, to his wife and other, related to family affairs and the Civil War. Includes letters from camps near Little Rock, Pine Bluff, and Camden, 1858-1866. [photocopies]
- Box 12, File 14 - Post at Pine Bluff - Buildings. Report on costs, dimensions, locations, and drawings of buildings used by Union troops, 1864. [National Archives photocopy].
- Box 12, File 13 - Description of Public Buildings at Little Rock. Report on costs, dimensions, and locations of buildings for Union troops at Little Rock, 1865. [National Archives photocopy].
- Box 12, File 12 - Description of Public Building at DuVall's Bluff. Report on dimensions and building materials used for housing troops, c. 1865. [National Archives photocopy].
- Box 12, Files 4-5 - Thomson Family Papers. Correspondence, Civil War records, articles on Cherokee Indian history and genealogical material of Thomson-Sanders family in Napoleon, Helena, and La Grange, 1833-1981. [Photocopies].
- Box 2, File 2 - Stevadson Allen Hail File. Autobiographical manuscript of Batesville judge, including Civil War and reconstruction experiences.
- Box 12, File 9 - Confederate States Ordnance Works at Arkadelphia. 1862 account book and handwritten abstract for confederate States ordnance works at Arkadelphia, 1862. [Photocopies].
- Box 11, File 6 - Mary Mann File. Correspondence of Mary Mann of Helena, 1863. [Library of Congress photocopies].
- Box 4, File 14 - Mrs. J. M. Harshaw File. Reminiscences of the Civil War in the Van Buren area by Mrs. J. M. Harshaw. n.d.[typescript].
- Box 6, File 12 - Capital City Guards File. Muster roll of Capital City Guards during Civil War. Includes list of band members. n.d.
- Box 12, File 15 - James Totten File. Register of Civil War military service of Union commander of Little Rock arsenal, 1885. [Photocopies]
- United Confederate Veterans - circular letter, 1907 [re: memorial to the women of the Confederacy]
- United Daughters of the Confederacy - annual convention minutes, 1912, 1922-1923, 1926, 1929, 1931
- United Daughters of the Confederacy - programs, reports, "Living Pages from 'Women of the South During War Times'" pamphlet, 1925-1935
- United Daughters of the Confederacy - conventions programs, 1925, 1960
- United Daughters of the Confederacy - yearbooks of various Arkansas Chapters, 1917-1966
Babcock (1868-1962) was the author of several fictional works centering on Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War.
- Series II, Box 2 - Contains manuscripts and research notes on Abraham Lincoln.
Hawes H. Coleman papers
This collection contains correspondence of the Coleman family, detailing social conditions and military actions during the Civil War and Reconstruction. [microfilm]
Civil War Naval Records collection [Z-7]
This collection contains copies of materials from National Archives Records Collection of the U.S. Office of Naval Records and Library. Collection Z-7 contains only those microfilm rolls which include records relating to operations in Arkansas and the lower Mississippi Valley, as well as the complete series of Confederate naval records. [microfilm] See finding aid for complete description for contents
A collection containing official orders, reports, muster rolls, vouchers, forage records, supply lists, equipage lists, courts-martial, etc. for units (both Union and Confederate) which served in Arkansas. The collection includes material on regiments from Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin, and general United States forces. See finding aid for complete description of contents.
Sandford C. Faulkner (1803?-1874), originator of the Arkansas Traveler dialogue, served as military storekeeper in Little Rock from 1861 to 1863. Box 1, File 1 - Includes two letters related to secession and the war.
John Gould Fletcher Sr. Served as a captain in the Capitol Guards - Co. A, 6th Arkansas Infantry.
- Series II, Subseries 1, Box 1, File 7 - includes Union and Confederate military and legal documents.
- Series II, Subseries 1, Box 2, #5 - photograph of large group of veterans at Confederate reunion, n.d.
John R. Gibbons papers
Gibbons, a Virginia native, served with the 1st Virginia Cavalry. After moving to Arkansas, c. 1901, he became state commander of the Arkansas Division, United Confederate Veterans. This collection contains Gibbons' war diary, as well as addresses and articles related to the war, and many materials related to the United Confederate Veterans. It also contains the diary of J. H. Graves (6th Texas Infantry) who fought in Arkansas during the war. [microfilm]
This collection includes records of Union and Confederate units which served in Arkansas, as well as war reports, correspondence, diaries, and reminiscences; Confederate currency and bonds; information on ex-Confederates in Brazil; and pension policies and statistics of the former Confederate states. See finding aid for complete description of contents.
This collection contains sheet music and lyrics collected by J. N. Heiskell about Arkansas, by Arkansans, or published by Arkansas publishing houses. It includes lyrics and / or sheet music for the following war-related songs:
- "The Bonnie Blue Flag"
- "Missouri, or a Voice from the South
- "Song of the First Arkansas"
Heiskell Newspaper collection
This collection contains original copies of Arkansas newspapers. These are fragile and MAY NOT BE PHOTOCOPIED. Due to the extreme fragility of these items, access may not be granted only by Linda R. Pine. The collection contains the following Civil War-era titles:
Buck and Ball (1 issue, 1862); Fort Smith Tri-Weekly Bulletin (1 issue, 1862); Fort Smith Herald (1 issue, 1865); Fort Smith New Era (3 issues, 1864-1865); Fort Smith Southron (1 issue, 1861); Arkansas Gazette; Arkansas Patriot (3 issues, 1862-1863); Daily National Democrat (3 issues, 1864-1865); Daily State Journal (1 issue, 1861); True Democrat (9 issues, 1862); True Democrat Bulletin (2 issues, 1862-1863); Unconditional Union (2 issues, 1864-1865); Pine Bluff Express (1 issues, 1863); Washington Telegraph (2 issues, 1863-1864).
- Item 22 - "Correspondences - Hon. Jesse Turner's Position" [on secession], 1861
- Item 23 - "Revolutionary Document. To the Soldiers of the Army of Tennessee" on the treatment of secessionists by W.T. Sherman, 1864
- Item 38 - "To the People of Arkansas" concerning secession by D. C. Williams, 1861
- Box 2, Item 4 - Scrapbook, 1861-1864 - includes contemporary news clippings on the Civil War
Lay (1823-1885) was Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Arkansas during the Civil War.
- Box 1, Files 3-5 contain Lay's war-time correspondence
A collection of correspondence, written by Arkansans and by persons writing about Arkansas, arranged in chronological order.
- Series III, Box 1 - Contains 35 Letters written during the Civil War. See finding aid for complete description of contents.
Mitchell (1832-1902) was a Lieutenant in the Confederate Army, Serving in the trans-Mississippi Dept. He farmed and taught in Northwest Arkansas before eventually purchasing the Arkansas Democrat.
- Box 1, File 6 - contains a letter from Mitchell concerning the battle of Helena, 1863.
Pike (1809-1891) was an attorney, politician, educator, soldier, explorer, masonic leader, newspaper editor, writer and poet. He was commissioned a brigadier general in the Confederate Army in 1861 and commanded three Indian regiments at the Battle of Pea Ridge.
- Box 1, File 22 - Pike family correspondence, 1861-1874. 3 items. [photostatic copies]
- Box 2, File 9 - "Message of the President and Report of Albert Pike, the Indian Nations West of Arkansas, of the Results of His Mission," 1862.
- Box 2, File 10 - "Instructions [from Brig. Gen. Albert Pike] to Colonels Stand Watie, Drew and D. N. McIntosh, and Lieut.-Colonels John Jumper and Chilly McIntosh," 1862.
- Box 2, File 11 - General orders issues by Brig. Gen. Albert Pike from Headquarters, Dept. of Indian Territory, 1862.
- Box 2, File 12 - "Charges and Specifications Preferred August 23, 1862 by Brigadier General Albert Pike Against Major General Thomas C. Hindman," 1863.
- Box 2, File 13 - "Address to the Senators and Representatives of the State of Arkansas in the Congress of the Confederate States," 1863.
- Box 2, File 14 - Pike on the Civil War in Arkansas, c. 1864. [fragment - microfilm copy]
- Box 2, File 23 - "The Bonnie Blue Flag - Dedicated to Albert G. Pike, Esq. Composed, arranged and Harry Macarthy, the Arkansas Comedian," 1861
A collection containing vouchers, test oaths, and other records relating to Reconstruction in Arkansas. See finding aid for complete description of contents.
Roots was a quartermaster in the 81st Illinois Infantry and later transferred to the Commissary Dept., serving on William T. Sherman's Staff.
- Box 1, Files 2-3 - include war-time correspondence.
- Box 1, File 15 - includes documents relating to Roots' military service.
This collection contains the papers of a pioneer Fort Smith, Arkansas family.
- Box 1, File 4 - includes Sadler's Sons of Confederate Veterans application and a recount of the Battle of Marks' Mills by T.C. Humphry
Scott (b. 1813) commanded a squadron of four Confederate companies during the Civil War. The collection includes war-time correspondence, subsistence and supply receipts, court-martial proceedings, muster-rolls, official orders, bills of sale, legal documents, and a bound volume of photocopied letters entitled "Civil War Letters: Capt. Jno. R. Homer Scott's Squadron of Cavalry, in Pope County, Arkansas and Carrol County, Arkansas, Sep 18 - Dec 14, 1861. See finding aid for complete description of contents.
Smith (1828-1906) served in the 18th Arkansas Infantry before serving as the commissary supply officer of Cabell's Brigade and later on General Dockery's staff. This collection contains letters written by Smith to his family during the first nine months' of his service in the army, 1862. See finding aid for complete description of contents.
Turnbo (1844-1924) served in the 27th Arkansas during the Civil War.
- Box 1-2 - "History of the 27th Arkansas" manuscript
This collection contains business files, letters, legal records, diaries, and photographs relating to the Turner family of Crawford County, Arkansas.
- Box 1, File 6 - contains war-time correspondence.
Walker was president of the 1861 Arkansas secession convention. This collection contains correspondence from various prominent Arkansans to Walker.
- Box 1, File 4 - includes war-time correspondence