Abbott, John S. C. "The wilds of Arkansas." Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 33(197): 581-601, 1866. [PAM 00401]
Albaugh, William A. "The chronology of the Great Seal of the Confederacy." The Classic Collector,1(2): 8-11,56-7, 1973. [PAM 02005]
Ambrose, Stephen E. "By enlisting Negroes, could the South still win the war?" Civil War Times Illustrated, 3(9): 16-[21], 1965. [PAM 02195]
"Appeal to the democracy of Indiana : together with the resolutions [sic] of the 66th, 93d and 34th Indiana regiments, and a speech of Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, &c., &c." Indianapolis, [Ind.]: Indianapolis Journal Company, 1863. [PAM 03841]
Arkansas. Constitutional Convention, 1861. "Resolutions passed by the people of Arkansas, on the 20th day of March, 1861." [Broadside]. Little Rock, Ark.: True Democrat Print, [1861]. [PAM 04310]
Arkansas. Convention (1861). "Communication from the Executive of the Commonwealth, transmitting communications from the President of the State Convention of Arkansas." [s.l.: s.n., 1861]. [PAM 03838]
Arkansas. Governor (Flanagin). Proclamation : [mobilizing militia companies of southwest Arkansas]. [Little Rock, Ark.: Executive Office, 1863]. [PAM 00644]
Arkansas. Governor (Rector). [Special message of the Governor to the House of Representatives / Henry M. Rector]. [S.l.: s.n., 186?] [PAM 01529]
**Arkansas Constitutional Convention. "South Carolina and Arkansas." U. S. Congressional Serial Set, 40th Congress, 2d Session, House of Rep., Ex Doc. No.274: 1-46. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1868. [PAM 02482]
Arkansas number, July 1935. Southern Magazine 2, July 1935. (Includes short articles on the state capitols, Albert Pike, David O. Dodd, etc.) [PAM 03461]
Atkinson, J. H., ed. "The diary of a Confederate soldier in Arkansas." Arkansas Democrat Magazine: 8, May 25, 1947. [PAM 03645]
Avery, A. C. "Memorial address on life and character of Lieutenant General D. H. Hill, May 10th, 1893. Raleigh, N. C.: Edwards & Broughton, 1893. [PAM 01591]
Basso, Hamilton. "The last Confederate." New Yorker: 124-30, 133-44, November 21, 1953. [PAM 02178]
"Battle near Little Rock, Arkansas : a national account." Rebellion Record, 7: 417-25, 1864. [PAM 02634]
"The Battle of Pea Ridge, 1862." Rogers, Ark.: Pea Ridge National Military Park Centennial Committee, 1963. [PAM 01026]
Battle of Wilson's Creek Commemorative Committee. "The Battle of Wilson's Creek, August 10, 1861 : souvenir edition, Wilson's Creek centennial commemoration, August 10, 1961." [Springfield, Mo.?: s.n., 1961]. [PAM 01756]
"Battlefield of Pea Ridge, Arkansas : battlefield folklore. Reprint. Fayetteville, Ark.: Washington County Historical Society, 1958. [PAM 00399]
"Battlefield of Pea Ridge, Arkansas : battlefield folklore, battlegrams and generals." [Garfield, Ark.: Castle Battlefield Museum, 19--]. [PAM 01755]
"Battlefield of Pea Ridge, Arkansas : the clamorous struggle behind the Battle of Pea Ridge." [Garfield, Ark.: Battlefield Museum, 19--]. [PAM 01754]
Bering, John A. "Reminiscences of a Federal prisoner." Publications of the Arkansas Historical Association, 3: [372]-378, 1911. [PAM 02433]
Bishop, Albert Webb. "An oration delivered at Fayetteville, Arkansas, by Brig.-Gen. Albert W. Bishop... July 4, 1865." New York: Baker & Goodwin, 1865. [PAM 01753]
Blunt, James G. "General Blunt's account of his Civil War experience." Kansas Historical Quarterly ([n.d.]), 211-65. [PAM 02179]
Boder, Bartlett. "For some, the war ended, but not for Jesse James." The Museum Graphic 9(2): 6-12, Spring 1957. [PAM 01636]
"The Brother's War in Missouri." The Museum Graphic 9(2): 4-6, Spring 1957. [PAM 01636]
Boles, Thomas. "The Civil War not a war between the North and the South." [S.l.: s.n., 19--?] [PAM 03418]
"The boys and girls stories of the war." Richmond, Va.: West & Johnston, [18--]. [PAM 01752]
Bromley, Margaret Lavina Morris. "Biography of John W. Morris." Marshall, Ark.: [s.n.], 1916. [Photocopy] [PAM 01391]
Brown, Dee. "Wilson's Creek." Civil War Times Illustrated, 11(1): 8-18, 1972. [PAM 02096]
Burrow, Roy Douglass. "The Battle of Pea Ridge." Charleston, Ill.: Prairie Press Books, 1970. [PAM 00237]
Bussey, Cyrus. "The Pea Ridge Campaign considered." [Washington, D. C.]: Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Commandery of the District of Columbia, 1905. [PAM 03492]
Cabell, W. L. "Report of the part Cabell's Brigade took in what is called "Price's raid into Missouri and Kansas in the fall of 1864." [S.l.: s.n., 1900?] [PAM 01024]
Cable, George W. "A woman's diary of the siege at Vicksburg." Century Magazine: 767-79, [n.d.]. [PAM 02034]
Caldwell, H. C. "Cavalry expedition in Arkansas." Army and Navy Official Gazette, 1(31): 482-3, 1864. [PAM 00417]
Carrigan, Alfred Holt. "Reminiscences of the Secession Convention." Publications of the Arkansas Historical Association, 1: [305]-23, 1906. [PAM 02439]
Casellas, Roberto. "Confederate colonists in Mexico." Americas, 27(9): 8-15, 1975. [PAM 02443]
Castel, Albert E. "Earl Van Dorn : a personality profile." Civil War Times Illustrated, 6(1): 38-42, 1967. [PAM 02242]
Castel, Albert G. "Fiasco at Helena." Civil War Times Illustrated, 7(5): 12-17, 1968. [PAM 02240]
Cave, R. C. "Annual oration : delivered to the United Confederate Veterans at the reunion held in Little Rock, Ark., on May 16, 17, 18, 1911." [S.l.: s.n., 1911]. [PAM 03883]
Coffin, James P. "Confederate cemeteries in Arkansas." Publications of the Arkansas Historical Association, 2: [296]-306, 1908. [PAM 02434]
Coleman, S. B. "A July morning with the rebel ram 'Arkansas.' A paper prepared and read before the Michigan Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U. S." Detroit, Mich.: Winn & Hammond, 1890. [PAM 01625]
"Composer of The Bonnie Blue Flag : brilliant young Scotch-Irishman wrote the song." Arkansas Gazette: 7, April 17 1904. [PAM 01946]
Confederate Congress. "Arkansas contested election. Johnson vs. Garland : exposition and argument by the counsel of Mr. Johnson." [S.l.: s.n., 1862] [PAM 03351]
"Confederate leaders in the Forty-fourth Congress. Who they are-their aims and opinions. A Democratic counter rebellion. Conquering the Union they failed to destroy." [S.l.: s.n., 1876?] [PAM 00850]
"Confederate notes for English circulation." London: Richard Simpson, [1861?] [PAM 00397]
"Confederate cook book." Union City, Tenn.: Pioneer Press, 1961. [PAM 01670]
"The Confederate States almanac, and repository of useful knowledge : for the year 1864 [V.3, 1st series]; being bissextile or leap year; the fourth of Southern independence; and, until July 4th, the eighty-eighth of the independence of the United States. Astronomical calculations for the latitude and meridian of Augusta, Ga., and Richmond, Va." Mobile, Ala.: [H. C. Clarke, 1863] [PAM 00398]
Confederate States of America. Army. Texas Brigade. "Resolutions of the Texas Brigade." [S.l.: s.n., 1865] [PAM 01593]
Confederate States of America. Army. Trans-Mississippi Department. "Report of General W. L. Cabell's brigade in Price's raid in Missouri and Kansas in 1864." [Dallas, Tex.?: s.n., 1900?] [PAM 01751]
"Report of Major General Hindman, of his operations in the Trans-Mississippi District." Richmond, [Va.]: R.M. Smith, 1864. [PAM 00988]
Confederate States of America. Produce Loan Office. "Report on the condition of government cotton, contiguous to the Mississippi and its tributaries." [Richmond, Va.: C. S. A., 1864] [PAM 00391]
Confederated Southern Memorial Association. "Minutes of the twelfth annual convention of the Confederated Southern Memorial Association : held at Little Rock, Arkansas, May 15, 16, 17, 18, 1911." [S.l.: The Association, 1911] [PAM 03875]
Contrabands' Relief Commission (Cincinnati, Ohio). "Report by the Committee of the Contrabands' Relief Commission of Cincinnati, Ohio : proposing a plan for the occupation and government of vacated territory in the seceded states. Cincinnati, Ohio: Gazette Steam Printing House, 1863. [PAM 01478]
Cook, V. Y. "List of general and field officers Arkansas troops, C.S.A., and state troops." Publications of the Arkansas Historical Association, 1: 411-22, 1906. [PAM 01699]
Crump Bonnie Lela Massey. "Round robin of unique Eureka." [S.l.]: Bonnie Lela Crump, 1965. [PAM 01242]
"Currency of the Confederate States." American Journal of Numismatics 12(1): 1-3, 1877. [PAM 02177]
Curtis, Samuel Prentis. "The Army of the South-west, and the first campaign in Arkansas." Annals of Iowa V.4, No.2 (Apr. 1866): pp.625-645; V.4, No.3 (July 1866): pp.673-688; V.4, No.4 (Oct. 1866): pp.721-737; V.5, No.1 (Jan. 1867): pp.769-785; V.5, No.2 (Apr. 1867): pp.817-833; V.5, No.3 (July 1867): pp.865- 876; V.5, No.4 (Oct. 1867): pp.917-933; V.6, No.1 (Jan. 1868): pp.1-12; V.6, No.2 (Apr. 1868): pp.69-84; V.6, No.3 (July 1868): pp.141-160; V.6, No.4 (Oct. 1868): pp.249-270; V.7, No.1 (Jan. 1869): pp.1-20; V.7, No.2 (Apr. 1869): pp.113-132; V.7, No.3 (July 1869): pp.209- 225; V.7, No.4 (Oct. 1869): pp.305-316. [PAM 04288]
Dannett, Sylvia G. L. "Our women of the sixties." Washington, D.C.: U.S. Civil War Centennial Commission, 1963. [PAM 01750]
De Wolf, Izora. "A. L. Swap in the Civil War." [S.l.: s.n., 1914?] [PAM 00415]
Demby, J. Wm., ed. The home aegis and monthly review : devoted to the interests of the people. 10 volumes. Little Rock, Ark.: J. Wm. Demby, 1864-1865. [PAM 01117]
"The war in Arkansas, or a treatise on the great rebellion of 1861." Little Rock, Ark.: Egis Print, 1864. [Typescript]. [PAM 04146]
"A memoir of the last year of the war for independence in the Confederate States of America : containing an account of the operations of his commands in the years 1864 and 1865." New Orleans: [Blelock & Co.], 1867. [PAM 00405]
"The relative strength of the armies of Gen'ls Lee and Grant : reply of Gen. Early to the letter of Gen. Badeau to the London Standard." [S.l.: s.n., 1870]. [PAM 00405]
Edwards, John Newman. "Address accepting a flag presented by the ladies of Arkansas to his regiment." Address to the jury by Col. John Hallum, in self defense, in the case of the state of Texas against him... Cleveland, Ohio: J. H. Phillips, [18--?] [PAM 03361]
Ellis, A. T. "The flags of the Confederate armies of Arkansas : returned to the men who bore them by the United States government." [St. Louis: John H. Waters Printing], 1905. [PAM 03459]
Estes, Thomas Jerome. "Early days and war times in northern Arkansas." [Lubbock, Tex.: Dow Printing, 1928?] [PAM 01714]
Ex-Confederate Association of Arkansas. "Constitution and by-laws of the Ex-Confederate Association of Arkansas." Little Rock: Mitchell & Bettis, 1889. [PAM 03203]
"Extracts from the report of Colonel John Eaton, Jun., General Superintendent of Freedmen, to Brigadier-General L. Thomas, U.S.A., for the Department of Tennessee and State of Arkansas, dated Memphis, Tennessee, December 31, 1864." [London: Edward Newman, 1865] [PAM 03848]
Farlow, Joyce and Louise Barry, ed. "Vincent B. Osborne's Civil War experiences" (part one). The Kansas Historical Quarterly: 108-133, May 1952. [PAM 01895]
"Vincent B. Osborne's Civil War experiences" (part two). The Kansas Historical Quarterly: 187-223, August 1952. [PAM 01896]
Feder, Bernard. "The Ridge family and the death of a nation." American West, 15: 28-31,61-63, 1978. [PAM 02045]
Firth, Thomas J. "Origin of "Dixie"... [Memphis, Tenn.: The Author?, 1922] [PAM 01749]
"The flags of the Confederate armies : returned to the men who bore them by the United States government." [St. Louis: Printed by Bruxton and Skinner], 1905. [PAM 00412]
Ford, Edsel. "Return to Pea Ridge : seven poems." [S.l.: s.n., 1963?] [PAM 01386]
Galloway, George Norton. "A confederacy within a confederacy." Magazine of American History: 16, October 1886. [PAM 01747]
Gantt, E. W. "Address of Brigadier-General E. W. Gantt." Little Rock, Ark.: [s.n.], 1863. [PAM 02386]
Green, B. W. "Speech on Jefferson Davis : delivered at the reunion U. C. V. held at Richmond, Va., June 1, 2, 3, 1915." [S.l.: s.n., 1915] [PAM 00411]
Green, George Walton. "Repudiation." New York: The Society for Political Education, 1883. [PAM 00527]
Hallum, John. "Specimen advance sheets of Reminiscences of the Civil War." Little Rock, [Ark.]: Tunnah & Pittard, 1903. [PAM 01021]
Hammers, Clyde C. "The Pea Ridge battle : a Keetsville skirmish and Blockade Hollow." Kansas City, Mo.: Westport Printing, [1962]. [PAM 01025]
Harman, Charles William. "Arkansas at Antietam." Arkansas Gazette: 1,7-8, August 22, 1937. [Photocopy and typescript]. [PAM 02960]
Haynes, Mary Margaret. "Landmarks of Washington." [Hope, Ark.: Etter Printing, 1977] [PAM 02283]
"Landmarks of Washington, Arkansas : a brief history." Washington, Ark.: Etter Printing, 1958. [PAM 01710]
Heartsill, W. W. "The mothers of the Confederacy." Greenwood, Ark.: Democrat Print, [1903] [PAM 01620]
Henderson, J. M. "Brief stories of St. Charles in romance & tragedy." DeWitt, Ark.: [s.n., 19--]. [PAM 01723]
Herndon, Dallas T. "Letters of David O. Dodd with biographical sketch." Publications of the Arkansas Historical Association, 4: [152]-69, 1917. [PAM 01938]
Herndon, Dallas T. "Record of Third Arkansas." Arkansas Gazette: 8, August 22, 1937. [PAM 02960]
Hill, Lawrence F. "Confederate exiles to Brazil." Reprinted from Hispanic American Historical Review, 7(2): 192-210, 1927. [PAM 02181]
Hill, Lawrence F. "The Confederate exodus to Latin America." Reprint. [S.l.: s.n., 1936?] [PAM 02622]
Hill, Lawrence F. "The Confederate exodus to Latin-America" [part 1]. Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 39(2): 100-34, 1935. [PAM 02285]
Hill, Lawrence F. "The Confederate exodus to Latin America" [part 2]. Southwestern Historical Quarterly 39(3): 161-99, 1936. [PAM 01908]
"Historical Washington, Arkansas." [Little Rock, Ark.: Arkansas Publicity and Parks Commission, 1957?] [PAM 03511]
Howe, R. H. "Appeal from a countryman to the Union men of the South." [S.l.: s.n., 1861?] [PAM 01757]
Hughes, John A. "Fifty years next November." Ed. by E. R. Hutchins, 1912, 419. [PAM 04260]
Hyde, Anne Bachman. "An historical account of the United Daughters of the Confederacy : origin, objects and purposes." [Little Rock, Ark.: Democrat Printing and Lithograph, 1911?] [PAM 00445]
"Itinerary of General Sterling Price's Missouri expedition in 1864." [PAM 04263]
"James Butler ('Wild Bill') Hickok." Birmingham, Ala.: Illustrated Features Syndicate, 19--] [PAM 03864]
Jefferson, Mark. "An American colony in Brazil." Geographical Review 18(2): 226-231, 1928. [PAM 02182]
Jenkins, Paul Burrill. "The Battle of Westport, October 21-22-23, 1864 : and the movement of the Missouri Valley Historical Society of Kansas City, to make a memorial park out of a part of the battlefield." [S.l.: s.n., 1923?] [PAM 03839]
Johnson, Robert Ward. "To the people of Arkansas..." [Washington, D. C.: W. H. Moore, 1861]. [PAM 01233]
Johnston, James J. "Jayhawker stories : historical lore in the Arkansas Ozarks." Mid-South Folklore, 4(1): 3-10, Spring 1976.
_____. "Two Ozark Civil War ballads." Mid-South Folklore, 5(1): 113-115, Winter 1977.
Joint High Commission. "Claims of British subjects : the case of the Confederate cotton bondholders, stronger both in principle and merit than any claim arising out of alleged injuries sustained through the Alabama ; opinions thereon of the lord chancellor, her majesty's attorney general, Lord Cairns, Mr. Fleming, C.C., an other eminent authorities, both British and American." London: Straker and Co., 1871. [PAM 04340]
Jonas, S. A. "Lines on the back of a Confederate note." Roanoke, Va.: Stone Printing and Manufacturing, [1907?] [Typescript](Archives holds typescript copy). [PAM 00229]
Jones, A. C. "History of the Third Arkansas Regiment." [S.l.: s.n., 19--?] [Typescript]. [PAM 04144]
Jones, Samuel. "The Battle of Prairie Grove, Dec. 7, 1862." [S.l.: s.n., 19--?] [PAM 01020]
Jones, Samuel. "The Battle of Prairie Grove, December 7, 1862." Southern Bivouac, 1(4): 203-11, 1885. [PAM 02180]
Jordan, Thomas E. "Captain Martin Hart's date with death." Civil War Times Illustrated, 36(2): 40-6, 1997. [PAM 03499]
Kaufman, A. F. "The Fifty-fourth U. S. Colored Infantry : the forgotten regiment." Ozark Historical Review, 16: 1-7, Spring 1987. [Union - created from 2nd Arkansas Infantry (African descent) - served in Arkansas]
Lacy, John F. "A battle scene at Helena, Ark., July 4, 1863." Ed. by E.R. Hutchins, 1912, 193-6. [PAM 04260]
Lair, J. "Solomon H. Garver - a Carroll County tie to Quantrill's raiders." Carroll County Historical Society Quarterly, 28(1): 11-12, Spring 1983.
Lancaster, Bob. "To Camden and back : war as a muddy horror." Arkansas Times, 10: 46-48,64-72, April 1984.
Lee Monument Association. "Organization of the Lee Monument Association : and the Association of the Army of Northern Virginia, Richmond, Va., Nov. 3d and 4th, 1870." Richmond, Va.: J. W. Randolph & English, 1871. [PAM 00405]
Lemley, Harry J. "Colonel Peter P. Pitchlynn." United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine, 27(2): 13, 31-32, 1964. [PAM 00392]
Lemley, Harry J. "General William Lowther Jackson." United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine, 26(9): 13, 1963. [PAM 02159]
"'Lest we forget' our Confederate heroes." [Little Rock, Ark.: The Committee, 1911?] [PAM 03878]
Lewis, T. H. "The 'old fort' of Cross County, Arkansas." Archaeologist, 2(11): 319-25, 1894. [PAM 02194]
Library of Congress. General Reference and Bibliography Division. "The American Civil War : a selected reading list." [Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1960]. [PAM 01338]
Little Rock. City Council. "Meeting of the city council of Little Rock." [Resolutions on sending ordnance for Memphis navy yard's security, April 20, 1861]. [Little Rock, Ark.: The Council, 1861]. [PAM 01100]
Longnecker, Julie. "The Sultana : a Civil War tragedy." Arkansas Times, 10: 88-91, September 1983.
McBrien, D. D. "Arkansas Unionists." Arkansas Valley Historical Papers, 24: 1-12, 1962.
McComb, William. "The twilight parade." [S.l.: s.n.], 1926. [PAM 02836]
McConnel. G. W. "Up the Arkansas." United States Service Magazine 5: 234-241, March 1866. [PAM 02090]
McElroy, Joseph C. "The Battle of Chickamauga : historical map and guide book." Chattanooga, Tenn.: T. H. Payne, [1895?]. [PAM 01766]
McKenzie, H. B. "Confederate manufactures in southwest Arkansas." Publications of the Arkansas Historical Association, 2: [199]-210, 1908. [PAM 02438]
McLean, James. "Oration : delivered at the decoration of the graves of Union soldiers at the National Cemetery, in Fayetteville, Ark., on May 30, 1882." [S.l.: s.n., 1882] [PAM 03843]
McLeary, A. C. "Humorous incidents of the Civil War." [S.l.: s.n., 1902?] [PAM 01765]
McNeilly, James H. "The failure of the Confederacy--was it a blessing?" Nashville, Tenn.: The Confederate Veteran, [n.d.] [PAM 01622]
"Major General James G. Blunt." Kansas Annual Register for the Year 1864, 225-65. Leavenworth, [Kan.]: State Agricultural Society, 1864. [PAM 00418]
"Manual of the panorama of the Battle of Shiloh: Fifteenth Street and Ohio Avenue, Washington, D.C." Washington, D.C.: Bull Run Panorama Co., 1888. [PAM 01475]
Martin, J. R. "Union soldiers about David O. Dodd." Confederate Veteran, 17(2): 591, 1909. [PAM 02436]
"Masonic college in Arkansas." Scottish Rite New Bulletin, 11: 2, March 5, 1943. [PAM 02027]
Mattson, H. "Early days of reconstruction in northeastern Arkansas." St. Paul, Minn.: The Pioneer Press Company, 1889. [PAM 01459]
Mattson, Hans. ["Reminiscences : the story of an emigrant"]. [S.l.: s.n., 1891], 80-93. [PAM 00414]
Maury, Dabney H. "The defence of Mobile in 1865." Southern Magazine: 288-95, March 1873. [PAM 00405]
Mellen, William P. "Report relative to leasing abandoned plantations : and affairs of the freed people in the First Special Agency." Washington, D.C.: McGill & Witherow, 1864. [PAM 01778]
"The memorial to Arkansas' boy hero, David O. Dodd." [S.l.: s.n., 1913?] [PAM 04082]
Messick, H. A. and M. A. Messick. "The avenging angel of Lapland." The West, 4: 29,57-58, May 1966. [PAM 02162]
Minnesota Legislature. "Battle of Fitzhugh's Woods, near Augusta, Ark. : April 1, 1864." Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars : II, official reports and correspondence, 432-9. St. Paul, Minn.: Pioneer Press, 1893. [PAM 00419]
Minnesota Legislature. "Battle of Lake Chicot : June 6, 1864." Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars : II , official reports and correspondence, 428-31. St. Paul, Minn.: Pioneer Press, 1893. [PAM 00419]
Minnesota Legislature. "The Camden expedition : April-May, 1864." Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars : II, official reports and correspondence, 441-59. St. Paul, Minn.: Pioneer Press, 1893. [PAM 00419]
Minnesota Legislature. "Campaign of Arkansas : Aug. 13-Sept. 10, 1863." Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars : II, official reports and correspondence, 379-83. St. Paul, Minn.: Pioneer Press, 1893. [PAM 00419]
Minnesota Legislature. "Expedition up White River, Ark. : April 19-24, 1864." Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars : II, official reports and correspondence, 439-41. St. Paul, Minn.: Pioneer Press, 1893. [PAM 00419]
Minnesota Legislature. "Operations from Helena, Ark. : July-August, 1864." Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars : II, official reports and correspondence, 501-8. St. Paul, Minn.: Pioneer Press, 1893. [PAM 00419]
Minnesota Legislature. "Scouts from Devall's Bluff, Ark. : November-December, 1864." Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars : II, official reports and correspondence, 570-4. St. Paul, Minn.: Pioneer Press, 1893. [PAM 00419]
Missouri Civil War Centennial Commission. The Civil War in Missouri, 1861-1865 : a war within a war. [S.l.: s.n., n.d.] [PAM 01623]
Moore, Waddy William. "Arkansas." Encyclopedia of Southern History. Ed. by David C. Roller and Robert W. Twyman. Louisiana State University Press. 1979, 61-78. [PAM 02014]
Morgan, Claude M. "Pat Cleburne." United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine, 27(11): 12,33,35,37,39,41,43,45, 1964. [PAM 00393]
Motley, John Lothrop. "The causes of the American Civil War : a letter to the London Times." New York: James G. Gregory, 1861. [PAM 00395]
Nash, Charles Edward. "Bottom rail on top; or, thirty years ago." Little Rock, Ark.: Arkansas Democrat, [1895?] [PAM 00409]
Nash, Charles Edward. "Granny's grave : laughter in tears and tears in laughter. [Little Rock, Ark.: Thompson Litho. and Ptg., 19--]. [PAM 02606]
New England Freedmen's Aid Society. "Second annual report of the New England Freedmen's Aid Society : Educational Commission." Boston: Office of the Society, 1864. [PAM 03159]
Newcomb, Lawrence C. "The Confederate emigres." Retired Officer: 20-1, May 1971. [PAM 02231]
Newsome, Edmund. "Experience in the war of the great rebellion." [Excerpts on Arkansas expedition from a reminiscence of the 81st Illinois Infantry; includes regimental roster.] p. 242-263,278-296. [Photocopy] [PAM 04291]
Nichols, James Lynn. The Confederate quartermaster in the Trans-Mississippi. Austin, [Tex.]: University of Texas Press, [1964].
Nichols, Janie M. "Gen. James C. Tappan, C. S. A." Confederate Veteran, 39(9): 330-332, 1931. [PAM 02229]
Nicholson, William L. "The engagement at Jenkin's Ferry." Annals of Iowa (Third Series): 11(7): 505-519, 1914. [PAM 02228]
Noble, John W. "The Battle of Pea Ridge, or Elk Horn Tavern." Washington, D. C.: Geo. R. Gray, 1889. [PAM 02585]
"Old Washington Historic State Park." [Little Rock, Ark. ]: Arkansas State Parks, 1992. [PAM 00677]
Oliphant, William J. "Arkansas Post." Southern Bivouac [New Series I]: 726-739, May 1886. [PAM 02226]
Ouachita Historical Society. "Historic Camden." [Camden, Ark.: Hurley Company, 1961?] [PAM 01027]
Owsley, Frank Lawrence. "Defeatism in the Confederacy." Raleigh, N.C.: Edwards & Broughton, 1926. [PAM 01647]
Parham, W. C. "David O. Dodd : the Nathan Hale of Arkansas." Publications of the Arkansas Historical Association, 2: [531]-535, 1908. [PAM 01937]
Park, Hugh, ed. "Pea Ridge : the place where the South lost the Civil War." Van Buren, Ark.: Press Argus Printers, [1961]. [CAHC F408 .A72 V. 11]
Pearce, N. B. "Arkansas troops in the Battle of Wilson's Creek." Confederate Veteran, n.d., 298-303. [PAM 02304]
Pearce, N.B. "Price's campaign of 1861." Publications of the Arkansas Historical Association, 4: [332]-351, 1917. [PAM 02437]
Pelletan, Eugáene. "An address to King Cotton." New York: H. de Mareil, 1863. [PAM 01612]
Petty, A. W. M. "A history of the Third Missouri Cavalry, from its organization at Palmyra, Missouri, 1861, up to November sixth, 1864 : with an appendix and recapitulation." Little Rock, Ark.: Historical Records Survey?, 1941. [Typescript]. [PAM 04261]
Polk, J. M. The North and South American Review. [S.l.: s.n.], 1914. [PAM 01650]
"Polly Pharaoh." Harper's New Monthly Magazine: 195-200, ([1876?]). [PAM 03487]
Pomeroy, Samuel Clarke. "A statement from Hon. S. C. Pomeroy, to the Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate: showing the origin and history of the re-organized government of Arkansas, and attested by citizens of that state, February 3, 1865." [PAM 01651]
"Prairie Grove Battlefield Memorial Foundation: [report]." Prairie Grove: The Foundation, 1958. [PAM 02587]
"Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park." [Little Rock, Ark.]: Arkansas State Parks, 1992. [PAM 00678]
"Prayers and other devotions for the use of the soldiers of the Army of the Confederate States." Charleston, S.C.: Female Bible, Prayer-book and Tract Society, [186-]. [PAM 01606]
Ramsdell, Charles W. "The control of manufacturing by the Confederate government." Reprinted from Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 8: 2312-249, December 1921. [PAM 01609]
Raynesford, Howard C. "George Ellis, First Lieutenant, Company I, 12th Kansas Infantry." [S.l.: s.n., 19--] [Union - no Arkansas service] [PAM 01607]
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