Can you teach a horse to read, spell, and do math?
Subject(s): African Americans, Literature, and US History
Time Period(s): (1890-1930) Emergence of Modern America
Grade level(s): 3-5 and 6-8
Click here to download the powerpoint
Supporting question(s):
Who was William “Doc” Key?
How did “Doc” Key teach his horse, Beautiful Jim Key?
How was life in the 1890s-1900s similar to and different from life today, for humans and for horses?
How did William “Doc” Key teach others about kindness?
Source Set
- Beautiful Jim Key Spelling “St. Elmo” at the “World’s Fair” St. Louis
- Beautiful Jim Key
- “This Horse Can Spell ‘Van Wyck’”
- Prof. E. K. Crocker’s Educated Horses, Donkeys, Ponies and Mules
- Little Rock Public Library
Additional resource(s):
Tennessee Centennial Exposition of 1897
Arkansas Frameworks(s):
K-12 Library Media
Grade 4: IL.1.4.7 Select and interpret various types of information on a topic in a variety of print/non-print/digital resources
Grade 5: IL.1.5.7 Select and interpret various types of information on a topic in a variety of print/non-print/digital resources; IL.3.5.4 Identify with guidance attributes of a primary source and a secondary source
Grade 6: IL.1.6.7 Select and interpret various types of information on a topic using a variety of print/non-print/digital resources; IL.3.6.4 Identify attributes of a primary source and a secondary source
Social Studies
Grade 4: C.3.4.3 Analyze group actions and responses to local and global problems
H.13.4.3 Develop claims in response to compelling questions about Arkansas and United States history using evidence from a variety of primary and secondary sources