American Schools of the Past – Object #1

McGuffey’s Newly Revised Eclectic Primer. With Pictorial Illustrations.

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<p>The pages of this school book each have 7 letters on them, with drawings of the items above the words illustrating each letter.</p>

Pages 8-9 of McGuffey’s Primer, used to teach the alphabet to young children in the 19th century. This edition is from 1849.


“A ax. B box. C cat. D dog. E elk. F fan. G girl. H hen. I ink. J jug. K kid. L lark. M man. N nut.”


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McGuffey’s Newly Revised Eclectic Primer. With Pictorial Illustrations. Page 2 Cincinnati: W. B. Smith & Co., 1849. Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress (014.00.00)