Arkansas Geography & Economics – Object #2

Ozark Graysonia Lumber Company, Graysonia

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<p>This is a panoramic view of the lumber town of Graysonia is shown from a high point near the town. Throughout the town are a series of roads, and running through the center of town and connecting to the mill is a railroad with railroad cars on it. The town can be divided into two sides, with larger homes filled with gardens and greenery on the west side of team, with the smaller, more barren properties and homes lying on the east side, near the mill. The town, surrounded by large swaths of forest on all sides, contain various homes, businesses, the mill, and possibly a church and/or community center.</p>

Panoramic photograph of the lumber town of Graysonia








Describe the layout of the town. How is it organized?

How does the east side of town compare to the west side of town?

What activities appear to be occurring in the town at this time?

What major natural resources supports the town’s existence?

What might have been the purpose of taking this photo?

What would happen to the town if the major activity shut down?

What conclusions can you draw about how Arkansas’s geography influences its economy?


Oversize Photograph Collection (UALR.PH.0093), UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture.