Bracero Program – Object #5

El Sol Newspaper

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<p>Front page of the El Sol newspaper. Articles are in Spanish.</p>

Spanish-language newspaper article, El Sol, November 28, 1947

Excerpt Transcript

Original excerpt in Spanish: Nosotros no queremos discutir la razón que tengan los iniciadores de “esa huelga para iniciarla y sostenerla, pero si creemos que sus líderes obran con mucha lijereza al asegurar hechos que no existen y que no pueden existir, porque sabemos que el gobierno de México no permitirá que vengan los braceros mexicanos a trabajar con el exclusivo objeto de romper los frentes de las huelgas, aun que tampoco creemos que el gobierno mexicano recomiende a los braceros que falten al cumplimiento de sus contratos con anterioridad en labores que no afectan a los huelguistas.

Translated: We do not want to discuss the reasons that the indicators of this strike have for starting and continuing it, but we do believe that their leaders act very lightly to assert facts that do not exist and that cannot exist, because we know that the Mexican government would not permit Mexican Braceros to come to work with an exclusive object of breaking the picket lines, although we also don’t believe that the Mexican government would recommend that the braceros fail to comply with their contracts with priority on jobs that do not affect the strikes.


What does this newspaper tell us about conditions in Arizona in 1947?

What reasons might Bracero workers have for supporting a farmworkers’ strike?

What reasons might Bracero workers have for breaking the strike by working when other farmworkers were striking?


El sol. [volume] (Phoenix, Ariz.), 28 Nov. 1947. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.