War and the Limitations of Civil Liberties – Object #4

Communiqué October 23. 1942

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<p>A photo scan of the Communique Newspaper published on October 23, 1942. At the top of the newspaper on the first paper is Communique in bold text. Underneath there are multiple headings including “Nov 1. Set for Permanent Jobs”, “Smoke From Every Flue”, “Paychecks Here for S.A. Workers”, “Movements of Evacuees Limited to Area Within Outer Boundaries”, “Block Managers”, “How to Vote by Absentee Ballot”, and “Clinics announce Location and Hours”. On the second photo scan of the newspaper, there is a map of the center in the top right corner of the page. Surrounding the map are articles headings entitled “Canteen Sells Essentials”, “Evacuee Movements (cont. From page 1)”, “Operation of Infant Feeding Plan Explained”, “Denson Post Office Opens”, “Employment Records (cont. From page 1)”, and “Bulletin to Serve Center”.</p>

The Communiqué newspaper (also known as Denson jiho) was a semi-weekly newspaper that ran from Oct. 1942 to Feb 1943 inside the Jerome Relocation Center. The newspaper was published in both English and Japanese and was supported by the War Relocation Authority. After Feb. 1943, the newspaper was rebranded as the Denson Tribune.


Following is a notice relative to movements of residents in the Center issued by Paul A. Taylor, Project director. The project management desires that evacuees with-in the Jerome relocation center enjoy as much free-dom of movement as pos-sible. Regulations issued by the Washington office of the War Relocation Authority require that move-ments of evacuees be con-fined to the outer bound-aries of the relocation [see map on page 2 for Center outer boundaries.] center, except those evacuees carrying passes issued by the project director or his designee. Until construction by private contractors is completed within the Center, freedom of movement of the evacuees, except those performing official duties in the management and operation of the project- (continued on page 2)
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ect, must of necessity be confined to occupied blocks. Family heads are urged to see that these regulations are complied with in order that no disciplinary action by the project ad-ministration will be nece-sary. The helpful cooper-ation of each evacuee will be appreciated.


Who is the writer of this newspaper?

Who is the intended audience?

How did the Japanese Americans of the Jerome Relocation Center impacted by World War II?


Communiqué. (Denson, AR), Oct. 23 1942. https://www.loc.gov/item/sn82016478/1942-10-23/ed-1/