What happened to the Sultana, and why is it not often well-known?
Subject(s): Arkansas History and US History
Time Period(s): (1850-1877) Civil War and Reconstruction
Grade level(s): 6-8 and 9-12
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Supporting question(s):
What happened to the Sultana?
What other events took place during the same time period that might have overshadowed the story of Sultana’s sinking?
Source Set
- Helena, Arkansas. April 26, 1865. Ill-fated Sultana
- Appalling circumstance! The President dead! Escape of the Murderer!
- [President Abraham Lincoln's hearse, Springfield] / S.M. Fassett, photographer, Chicago.
- The Burning of the Sultana
- Terrible Accident on the Mississippi
Additional resource(s):
Encyclopedia of Arkansas
Steamboats: https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/steamboats-4466/
Sultana: https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/sultana-steamboat-2269/
UALR Virtual Exhibit – As Much as the Water: How Steamboats Shaped Arkansas
Library of Congress: Primary Resources for the Sultana:
Arkansas Frameworks(s):
H.7.AH.7-8.1 Evaluate ways that historical events in Arkansas were shaped by circumstances in time and place
H.7.AH.7-8.3 Analyze the historical significance of selected Civil War battles, events, and people on various regions of Arkansas