What do winter holiday celebrations tell us about geography, history and culture?
Subject(s): Arkansas History, Geography, and US History
Time Period(s): (1850-1877) Civil War and Reconstruction, (1870-1900) Development of The Industrial United States, (1890-1930) Emergence of Modern America, (1929-1945) Great Depression and World War II, (1945-Early 1970s) Postwar United States, and (1968 to the Present) Contemporary United States
Grade level(s): 6-8 and 9-12
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Supporting Question(s):
What people, places, and things do we associate with Christmas?
How are Christmas celebrations in the past similar to and different from Christmas celebrations in the present?
Source Set
- The One Horse Open Sleigh
- Santa Claus with a basket of toys
- New York City--the Chanucka celebration by the Young Men's Hebrew Association
- Feast of Lights
- Christmas subjects. Boys' choir with nativity scene
- Christmas parade on North Eighth Street in Fort Smith
- Opening Christmas presents
- Credit card 500
- Season's Greetings card featuring a family photograph of Jim Guy, Betty, Sarah, and Anna Tucker
- Chinese New Year Celebration in Chinatown in Washington, D.C.
- National Dunbar Alumni Association Newsletter
- Christmas tree at the U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
Cartoon drawing of Santa leading a group of women in cars label, VISA, Mastercard, Bank and Checks racing to shop.
Arkansas Frameworks:
United States History Since 1890
Construct historical arguments and explanations about the long-term impact of social, economic, political, and cultural changes that occurred during the 1920s utilizing evidence from a variety of primary and secondary sources.
Critique the historical accuracy of a variety of secondary sources on social and economic trends since 1968 (e.g., websites, documentaries, movies, newspaper articles, biographies)
Analyze ways culture influences individuals using a variety of sources.
Examine the importance of norms and values to a culture and the effects on social structure.
Evaluate the role of norms and values in society
Examine the cultural characteristics of various regions (e.g., celebrations, language, child-rearing, clothing, food, beliefs, behaviors)