About the Center 
The Center for Arkansas History and Culture (CAHC) at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock strives to be a unique and reliable resource that explores and promotes Arkansas’s rich history through identifying, collecting, and preserving Arkansas records that are of enduring value to the state.
The UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture collects, preserves, and enables access to Arkansas records of enduring value; prepares students and the region for the 21st century through academic leadership and education on archival practices and technologies; and engages the community through outreach, programming, and exhibitions.
About the Exhibit
"The Civilian Conservation Corps in Arkansas" was made possible in partnership with the Arkansas Humanities Council with funding from the National Parks Service. The project is a collaborative work between the UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture, local archeologists and scientists, historians, and educators to explore the legacy of the Civilian Conservation Corps in Arkansas by reviewing its history and visiting the sites as they exist today. The exhibit is an interactive experience based on historical materials from the CAHC's collections, photographs of CCC-built structures remaining in Arkansas Parks today, essays from scholars around the state written for a broad audience, as well as educational resources based on Arkansas state curriculum standards.

Project Contributors
Dr. Deborah Baldwin - Associate Provost and Director, Center for Arkansas History and Culture
Cody Besett - Student Success Archivist, Center for Arkansas History and Culture
Jared Craig - Virtual Exhibit Coordinator, Center for Arkansas History and Culture
Keith Harris - Research Associate and STEM Instructional Specialist in the UALR STEM Education Center
Adrienne Jones - Research and Scholarly Communications Archivist, Center for Arkansas History and Culture
Dr. Krista Lewis - Chair and Associate Professor, UA Little Rock, Department of Anthropology
Kaye Lundgren - Archival Assistant, Center for Arkansas History and Culture
Laura McClellan - Assistant Director, Center for Arkansas History and Culture
Dr. Duncan P. McKinnon - Director of the Jamie C. Brandon Center for Archaeological Research and Research Associate at the Center for American Archeology
Dr. Margaret (Beth) McMillan - Chair and Professor, UA Little Rock, Department of Earth Sciences
Jamie Middleton - Graduate Student, UA Little Rock, Master of Arts in Public History
Dr. Jess Porter - Chair and Associate Professor of Geography, UA Little Rock, Department of History
Acadia Roher - Graduate Assistant, Center for Arkansas History and Culture.
Dr. Jim Ross - Associate Professor, UA Little Rock, Department of History
Elise Tanner - Director of Digital Projects and Initiatives, Center for Arkansas History and Culture
Learn More
UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History And Culture
Civilian Conservation Corps Photograph Collection (UALR.PH.0066)
Butler Center of Arkansas Studies
Forestry Commission Collection (BC.MSS.10.17)
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville Special Collections
U.S. Civilian Conservation Corps, Company 1732, Photograph Album
Bernstein, Irving. A Caring Society: The New Deal, The Worker, and the Great Depression. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1985.
Biles, Roger. The South and the New Deal. Lexington, Ky: University Press of Kentucky, 2006.
Kirby, John B. Black Americans in the Roosevelt Era: Liberalism and Race. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1992.
John Salmond, The Civilian Conservation Corps 1933-1942: A New Deal Case Study (Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1967).
Journal Articles
Biggs, Jackie Sue. “Solon Cannon Remembers CCC Co. 768 at Blue Mountain.” Wagon Wheels 14 (Winter 1994): 5–9.
Jenkins, Jan. “The Civilian Conservation Corps in Drew County: ‘Roosevelt’s Tree Army’ and Camp Monticello.” Drew County Historical Journal 10 (1995): 43–47.
Tim, M. J. “Camp Chaplin: A ‘Shot in the Arm’ for Carroll County’s 1935–1940 Economy.” Carroll County Historical Quarterly 26 (Winter 1981–1982): 11–14.
Web Resources
Laster, Patricia. “Civilian Conservation Corps,” Encyclopedia of Arkansas History & Culture http://www.encyclopediaofarkansas.net/encyclopedia/entry- detail.aspx?search=1&entryID=3027 (accessed August 10, 2019).
Miller, Rachel M. "We Will Persevere! The New Deal In Arkansas." Arkansas Historic Preservation Program. Accessed June 6, 2019. https://www.arkansaspreservation.com/_literature_154883/We_Will_Persevere!_The_WPA_in_Arkansas_Lesson_Plan_2016.
Yount, Sheila. "Gateways to Nature - Nature's Enduring Legacy." Arkansas Living. http://arkansaslivingmagazine.com/article/gateways-to-nature-the-cccs-enduring-legacy (accessed August 10, 2019).