Dr. Joycelyn Elders, pediatrician and public health administrator

Dr. Joycelyn Elders, pediatrician and public health administrator Photo 5: Dr. Joycelyn Elders (b. 1933), pediatrician and public health administrator. She was the second woman, second person of color, and first African American to serve as Surgeon General of the…

Charlie May Simon at book signing

Charlie May Simon at book signing Photo 4: Charlie May Simon (1897–1977) signs a book for a young fan. Simon was an author known primarily for her children’s literature . Charlie May Simon Papers, 1927-1977 (UALR.MS.0006) Date: undated Physical Format:…

Florence Price Smith, composer

Florence Price Smith, composer Photo 3: Florence Smith Price (1888-1953). She was the first female African American composer in the United States, whose work was performed by a symphony orchestra, not dated. African Americans photograph collection, ca. 1890-1954 (UALR.PH.0052) Date:…

Roberta Waugh Fulbright (1874-1953)

Roberta Waugh Fulbright (1874-1953) Photo 7: Roberta Waugh Fulbright (1874-1953) was the owner and publisher of the Northwest Arkansas Times, not dated, ca. early 20th century. Women in Arkansas photograph collection, ca. 1850s-1980s (UALR.PH.0067) Date: undated Physical Format: black and…

Charlotte Stephens portrait

Charlotte Stephens portrait Photo 4: Charlotte Stephens (1854-1951), the first African American teacher in the Little Rock school district, worked as a teacher for 70 years, not dated. Women in Arkansas photograph collection, ca. 1850s-1980s (UALR.PH.0067) Date: undated Physical Format:…

Emily Alquest, photographer in Paragould

Emily Alquest, photographer in Paragould Photo 3: Emily Alquest, who owned and operated her own photographic studio in Paragould after working for a male photographer in the early 1900s, not dated, ca. early 20th century. Women in Arkansas photograph collection,…

Emma Thompson Morris, rice farmer in Prairie Longue, Arkansas

Emma Thompson Morris, rice farmer in Prairie Longue, Arkansas Photo 2: Emma Thompson Morris (1858-1917). She inherited a farm after her husband’s death. Her experiments with rice culture on Prairie Longue in 1902 made her the first successful rice farmer…

Dr. Fannie M. Cooper, dentist in Little Rock in 1895

Dr. Fannie M. Cooper, dentist in Little Rock in 1895 Photo 1: Dr. Fannie M. Cooper, a dentist in Little Rock in 1895. She was listed in the bulletin for the Atlanta Exposition as one who “takes High Rank among…

Trailblazers (Grades 7-12)

Trailblazers (Grades 7-12) Theme: Women of Arkansas Grade Levels: 7-8 9-12 Time Period: 1854-1980 Introduction A Trailblazer is a person who leads the way in any new field or endeavor; someone who is among the firsts in a particular field.…

Trailblazers (K-4)

Trailblazers (K-4) Theme: Women of Arkansas Grade Levels: K-4 Time Period: 1854-1980 Introduction A Trailblazer is a person who leads the way in any new field or endeavor; someone who is among the firsts in a particular field. Another related…