Bond family in car

Bond family in car Photo 9: Bond family sit in car, including Scott and wife, Magnolia, in back and sons, Ulysses and Theophilus, in front, ca. 1917. Scott Bond photograph collection, 1893-1917 (UALR.PH.0073) Date: 1917 Physical Format: 5 x 7…

Scott Bond’s farm

Scott Bond’s farm Photo 2: Scott Bond’s farm, ca. 1917. Scott Bond photograph collection, 1893-1917 (UALR.PH.0073) Date: 1917 Physical Format: 5 x 7 in. black and white photographic prints See this item’s catalog record More from this collection Scott…

Workers at Scott Bond’s farm unloading alfalfa

Workers at Scott Bond’s farm unloading alfalfa Photo 1: Workers at Scott Bond’s farm unloading alfalfa, ca. 1917. Scott Bond photograph collection, 1893-1917 (UALR.PH.0073) Date: 1917 Physical Format: 5 x 7 in. black and white photographic prints See this item’s…

Big Farms in the Early 20th Century

Big Farms in the Early 20th Century Theme: Agriculture Grade Levels: 7-8 9-12 Time Period: 1916-1917 Introduction Before the mid-20th century (1900s), most farms around the world practiced subsistence farming. This means that they were small and run by a…