Lesson Plan 2: How Do Transportation Changes Affect a City?

In this activity, you will examine primary sources on the I-630 interstate in Little Rock, Arkansas, to discover how this transportation project changed the cultural, economic, and demographic makeup of Little Rock.

Note:  The topics discussed in this lesson plan are related to those in lesson plans 1 and 3.

Essential Questions

  • Why do cities change?
  • Which technologies characterize life in a city? How do technological innovations and advancements impact life in cities?
  • How and why do changes in transportation and communication affect life in cities?
  • How do geography tools (maps, graphs, globes, etc.) help us understand why and how cities change?
Screenshot (77)



Learning Objectives

  • Students will explain economic and demographic change in Little Rock concerning transportation over time. 

Arkansas Social Studies Standards

United States History Since 1929

Construct historical arguments for long-term effects of social and economic changes occurring during the mid-20th century using available data and multiple sources.

World Geography

Compare the changes over time in the boundaries and characteristics of regions caused by various factors using geographic representations and data (e.g., climate, technology, migration, conflict, government). 

Analyze the effects of various influences on population distribution and migration on society (e.g., history, migration, physical environment, economy, politics, technology, climate, land use, resources).

Analyze various push-and-pull factors that lead to migration and changes in these factors over time.


Key Terms

  • Interstate Highway System



Prior Learning

  • Urban growth in the early-mid 20th century
  • Urban renewal programs from the mid-20th century

Guiding Questions

  • How do transportation changes affect a city? (culture, housing, demographics, economy)

Suggested Activity

Writing Assignment
Students will:
Write a short essay (3-4 paragraphs) on how the construction of I-630 affected Little Rock citizens. Include specific examples from the sources you looked at today.


  1. Starter / Bell Ringer
    • Teacher shows students the History Channel video which provides a brief overview of the history of the Interstate Highway System to provide context for the construction of I-630 in Little Rock.
    • Teacher shows students Google Maps view of I-630 and the surrounding are of Little Rock.
    • Students respond to the question: Why do you think I-630 was built in the middle of the city?
  2. Guiding questions (teacher’s choice)
    • How do transportation changes affect a city’s
        • culture
        • housing
        • demographics
        • economy
  3. Resources
      • Changes to Little Rock’s Black population (including areas along I-630)
          • Teacher shows students maps of Little Rock’s Black population from 1960, 1980, 2000, and 2020. The class discusses how and why residential demographics changed.
      • History of I-630 construction and overview of effects
      • Arkansas Highways Department’s perspective on the construction of I-630
          • Students individually read pages 8-12 of Arkansas Highways Vol. 31 Winter 1985 No. 4.
            Note:  Arkansas Highways was created as a quarterly newsletter for Arkansas Highway Department employees. This issue describes the opening of the last completed section of I-630 in 1985 and includes a summary of the project history.



  • Exit ticket: Why was I-630 built? How do you or your parents use I-630 today? 


I-630 Writing Assignment Activity
Criteria Ratings Pts
Includes history of the construction of I-630 5 / 5 pts
Includes examples of I-630’s impact on Little Rock citizens (demolition of businesses and housing, racial distribution, westward expansion, etc.) 15 /15 pts
Total Points: 20