Jamestown: Book Backdrop for Blood on the River by Elisa Carbone

What happens when cultures meet?

Subject(s): Native Americans and US History

Time Period(s): (1585-1783) Colonization and Settlement

Grade level(s): 3-5

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Blood on the River, an historical novel by Elisa Carbone, tells the story of Samuel Collier, a fictional character who is the page of Captain John Smith. This primary source set provides context for the meeting between the English and the Algonquin in the earliest days of colonial America.

Supporting question(s):

What are the effects of settlement on the settlers and the native people?

What determines success/failure of a settlement?

How do the different perspectives of those involved compare/contrast?

Source Set


1624 map of Virginia – based on information from John Smith and William Hole


Print created between between 1870 and 1875 showing Pocahontas leaning over Captain John Smith


Photograph of a painting in the United States Capitol, copied from original by William Sheppard, dated 1616, at Barton rectory, Norfolk, England.


Composite plate of reproductions of engravings featuring: John Smith, James I, Pocahontas, Capt. Newport, Bacon and Berkeley, Delaware, and Sandys.


Image of an Algonquian village on a river estuary showing Native structures, agriculture, and spiritual life

Additional resource(s):

Primary sources/ book backdrops

Cross Cultural Colonial Conflicts

Blood on the River: Jamestown, 1607

Arkansas Framework(s):

H.12.5.4 Evaluate short- and long-term effects of European exploration and settlement in the Americas and Arkansas from multiple perspectives (e.g., Roanoke, Jamestown, disease, conflict)

H.12.5.7 Research the development of the colonies by generating compelling and supporting questions to guide inquiry (e.g., Why did people settle where they did? How did they solve problems? Was life better in the colonies than in England? Was life better in some colonies than others? How were patterns of settlement influenced by beliefs, economics, and geography?)10.5.3 Examine reasons for population shifts in early America and the effects on various regions

G.10.5.3 Examine reasons for population shifts in early America and the effects on various regions