Ruth Bader Ginsburg

How did Ruth Bader Ginsburg contribute to advancing civil rights and equality in the United States?

Subject(s): Civics & Government, US History, and Women

Time Period(s): (1929-1945) Great Depression and World War II, (1945-Early 1970s) Postwar United States, and (1968 to the Present) Contemporary United States

Grade level(s): 3-5 and 9-12

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Supporting question(s):

Which major court cases did Ruth Bader Ginsburg work on in her career as a lawyer?
Which important Supreme Court decisions or dissents did Ruth Bader Ginsburg write?
What civil rights issues interested Ginsburg?

Source Set


The photograph shows a portrait of the United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


Panel Discussion with Justice Ginsburg, 2019
Watch the video from 26:30-30:26.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg arguing in front of the Supreme Court, Frontiero v. Richardson, 1973


1995 Supreme Court Case concerning women’s admission to Virginia Military Institute


Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s conversation with Nina Totenberg in North Little Rock, 2019.
Watch the video from 54:00-58:38

Additional resource(s):

National Women’s History Museum biography

CSPAN classroom Ruth Bader Ginsburg bell ringer

Annenberg Classroom resources

Arkansas Frameworks(s):

3rd Grade: H.1.3.4

Analyze individuals, groups, and events to understand why their contributions are important to the heritage of the United States and Arkansas.

4th Grade: H.1.4.8

Develop original claims to answer compelling questions about a significant historical event or person from Arkansas or the United States using evidence from both primary and secondary sources.

High School U.S. History: H.5.USH.17 

Analyze the roles of individuals, groups, and events in securing civil rights during the mid-20th century.

Civics: C.2.CIV.7

Analyze the purpose, organization, powers, and function of the judicial branch of government, including judicial review and the origin and duties of the court system and Supreme Court…


Evaluate rights and responsibilities of citizens in the United States using the Bill of Rights and various Supreme Court decisions.