Gallery of Names

Gallery of Names

Rohwer Relocation Center Cemetery includes 24 burial sites (25 if one counts "Papy" the dog, who has a headstone 200 feet to the west). Three types of headstones were provided by Social Welfare department for the deceased at the time of burial. In the 2004 Condition Assessment Report, headstone types were designated "A," "B," or "C": In design "A" a portion of the base with the flower holders is integral to the base; in design "B" the flower holder is cast as a separate unit, the design the most commonly used; and design "C" is similar to type "A" but much smaller, which was only used for infant burials.

The gallery below provides the drawing for each individuals' name and headstone, noting the design type of each individual headstone and a number that corresponds to the site drawing above. The birth and death years are in the descriptions below each drawing. Click image for a larger view.

*The banner photo shows volunteer inmates building Rohwer.