Kojiki: Record of Ancient Matters

Kojiki: Record of Ancient Matters

This is a creation story, presumably one that Simon learned of in Asia and felt the need to document. Into the void of chaos, three primal deities spring forth without conception and create the universe. Into this universe, twelve new deities appear, again without conception: six males and six females. Two additional deities appear after the birth of the twelve: one with active male energy named Izanagi, and one with passive female energy named Izanami. The twelve deities command Izanagi and Izanami to create life in the universe, which they do as husband and wife. Two children are born of this first union: the Beach and an island named Aura. Again, the couple come together as husband and wife and several children are born of this second union: islands, food, trees, mountains, and rivers. Izanami sickens after the birth of these children, yet more deities appear from her vomit and blood as she dies. Izanagi mourns Izanami’s death, and his tears bring forth the Weeping Female Deity, who lives in the foothills of Mount Ida. In despair, Izanagi kills the first born of Izanami’s vomit and blood with his sword. But this act gives rise to eight more deities, born from the blood of Izanagi’s sword.

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