About the Exhibit
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World Services for the Blind (WSB) is a comprehensive rehabilitation center for the blind and visually impaired, located in Little Rock, Arkansas. Along with life skills, the center specializes in vocational training programs, enabling clients to work and live independently.
"World Services for the Blind: A Story of Success" gives an institutional history of WSB since its founding in 1947. It uses narrative essays, oral histories, and an interactive timeline to highlight the center's key events and leaders. The exhibit also provides K-12 lesson plans for educators to use in the classroom.

Center for Arkansas History and Culture
The Center for Arkansas History and Culture (CAHC) at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock strives to be a unique and reliable resource that explores and promotes Arkansas’s rich history through identifying, collecting, and preserving Arkansas records that are of enduring value to the state.
The UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture collects, keeps safe, and makes available Arkansas history that connects people to each other and their shared experience.

Learn More
Arkansas Enterprises for the Blind collection, UALR.MS.0088, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Earl Saunders, Jr., photographs, UALR.PH.0106, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Roy Kumpe papers, UALR.MS.0087, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Arkansas Enterprises for the Blind. New Life. Little Rock: Lions Clubs of Arkansas, 1975-1977. Internet Archive. https://archive.org/details/newlife197576arka/mode/2up.
Arkansas Enterprises for the Blind. New Life. Little Rock: Lions Clubs of Arkansas, 1977-1988. Internet Archive. https://archive.org/details/newlife197788arka/mode/2up.
"Roy Kumpe of Ark. Enterprises for Blind receives award; Kumpe comments on award," February 1970, MCR-1135, KATV Collection, Pryor Center for Arkansas Oral and Visual History, University of Arkansas. https://pryorcenter.uark.edu/videoplayer.php?c=2&dir=projects/KATV/MCR-1135&video=MCR-1135_x264&title=KATV%20MCR-1135&playhead=3069#player.
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