Directors and CEOs
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Discover the Executive Directors and CEOs who have served at World Services for the Blind from its founding in 1947 to the present 2022.
By: Emily Summers
Roy Kumpe
Exec. Director

Howard Hanson
Exec. Director

Jim Cordell
Exec. Director

Ramona Sangalli
Exec. Director
2000-Apr 2009

Carl Foreman
Interim CEO
Apr-Aug 2009

Larry Dickerson
Aug 2009-Jun 2014

Tony Woodell
Jun-Nov 2014

Stacey Hunter Schwartz
Nov-Dec 2014

Bruce Davis
Interim CEO
Feb-Aug 2015

Sharon Giovinazzo
Aug 2015-Oct 2022

Eric Yarberry
Nov 2022-Present

About the Author
Emily Summers completed her Master of Arts degree in Public History from UA Little Rock in 2021. She is a processing archivist at the UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture.
Arkansas Enterprises for the Blind. New Life. Little Rock: Lions Clubs of Arkansas, 1977-1988. Internet Archive. https://archive.org/details/newlife197788arka/mode/2up.
Ampezzan, Bobby. "Spotlight shines on Morgan as blind services lauds CEO." Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. November 22, 2015.
Bahn, Chris, and Cyd King. "World Services for Blind in LR hires chief." Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette. August 7, 2015. https://www.nwaonline.com/news/2015/aug/07/world-services-for-blind-in-lr-hires-ch/.
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Wentling, Nikki. "Nonprofit for blind's president resigns." Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. December 22, 2014. https://www.nwaonline.com/news/2014/dec/22/nonprofit-for-blind-s-president-resigns/.